Crosscurrents 2024 Online
Karys Foley
Understanding Neurodiverse Landscapes: Using Language that Empowers and Heals
Understanding Neurodiverse Landscapes: Using Language that Empowers and Heals
The way we talk about and to our students matters. The words and the language we use to name and describe challenging behaviour is often laden with shame and blame and that leads to wounding. Hurt kids will develop emotional defenses such as resistance, shut down, and noncompliance. In this session we will focus on language that encourages and empowers our students to do their best. This session will provide insight into the underlying causes of behavioural symptoms and the importance of using strategies that are devoid of shame and blame.
Karys currently works with School District #46 as a Family Support Navigator co-creating inclusion capacity in schools. Karys became a FASD Key Worker in 2007 and gathered countless hours of training on complex neurodevelopmental conditions. She holds a level 2 intensive certificate with the Neufeld Institute which ties attachment problems to behaviour. In her private practice, Karys describes herself as a behavioural detective/coach specializing in hidden disabilities. In the last 15 years Karys has provided multiple trainings on understanding complex neurodevelopmental conditions such as FASD and ADHD. She emphasizes the power of relationship in undoing harm and finding common ground when working with folks who exhibit complex behaviour. As a registered social worker with over 30 years’ experience supporting those who struggle to find room for their cognitive and emotional differences in this world, Karys knows that connection is the way. In addition to her professional experience Karys has lived experience as a parent to 3 kids living with neurodiversity and over 20 years experience as a live in caregiver to folks living with developmental disabilities.
Connections with Karys
Session Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm |
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